Makeup & Acne: Truth and Myths
Truth: If you are an acne sufferer, wearing makeup is one of the worst things you can do. The vast majority of compact foundation and liquid make-up are not good choices.
Myth: Popular make-up brands that promise to hide blemishes work. This is so false! All it does is add to the problem. Applying make-up containing pore-clogging ingredients (which exists in almost all major make-up brands) only aggravates acne by clogging the pore again!
Truth: If you’re going to wear make-up anyways, stick to water-based or glycerin-based products.
Myth: Once you find a make-up product that works, it will always work! Unfortunately, make-up manufacturers are always changing the ingredients in their products. Ask your acne specialist for a list of pore-clogging ingredients, and before you purchase that same old product, double check the label to make sure nothing has changed.
Truth: Loose mineral powders are your best option for coverage. They help eliminate oily shine, and if you purchase a high quality mineral make-up, they have anti-inflammatory properties which helps with redness of acne. Loose mineral powders also provide great coverage. There are a lot of videos on the internet on how to build coverage with loose minerals.
Myth: Eye make-up is not usually a problem for acne sufferers.
Some Other Tips:
Most blushes are filled with pore cloggers.
Eye make-up is not usually a problem for acne sufferers but be aware of make-up removers and skin wipes. The majority of skin wipes on the market contain pore clogging ingredients.
Lip products can cause problems for acne sufferers. They usually contain many comedogenic (pore clogging) ingredients. The problem with lip products is that they travel from the lip area. The wax in lip products is not the problem, it is the oils. Make sure the oils in your lip products are something simple like castor oil, mineral oil or petrolatum rather than isopropyl myristate. A good choice is petroleum jelly or Aquaphor.
Needling Your Skin??
Do you want younger looking skin but don’t want the risk of fillers, or are extra sensitivity to sun?
Then come in for the new treatment the Face Place offers: micro needling! It is just as effective as a laser treatment but (unlike the laser treatment) can actually be repeatedly indefinitely!
Micro needling therapy (or collagen induction therapy – CIT) is minimally invasive and non-surgical. This skin rejuvenation procedure uses a micro needling device to pierce the epidermis and create a controlled skin injury without the heat that a laser treatment produces. It creates thousands of tiny superficial micro spots in the skin by using a dermal roller. This stimulates your body’s natural ability to heal itself to improve blood supply, soften wrinkles and scars, and produce new collagen. Micro needling also releases growth in the skin cells that promote a scar-less healing after the treatment!
Today, the skin rejuvenation treatments that are available seem abundant. But micro needling has actually been around for decades and has only recently gained popularity and become the easiest, most effective skin rejuvenation treatment available.
Here are some other benefits of the micro needling treatment:
--Improves blood circulation
--Helps to better absorb active ingredients in creams and topical serums
--Safe for all skin types
--Natural and holistic!
--Less expensive than laser treatment
--Minimal discomfort
--Minimal recovery time compared to traditional lasers
At the Face Place, and at many other micro needling treatment centers around the world, we have seen first hand how results are immediate, progressive, and cost effective. For the absolute best results, combine it with Face Reality home care a few weeks before hand, and plan on treatments over the course of 3-6 months, every 4 weeks.
How to Relieve Dryness from Skin Care Products
Sometimes even the best of acne treatments can irritate or dehydrate the skin. Often, people will stop using those products when this happens. Don’t do that!! You will never know how your skin truly reacts to a product if you just stop using it as soon as you see some flakiness!
Here are some tips on how to get the most out of your products, while dealing with any flaky skin that it might cause:
1. Be conscious and understanding of the fact that you are going to have some dryness and peeling from acne products. Period. If a product is truly strong enough to get acne under control it is going to be a bit dehydrating. That’s just the way it is! HOWEVER…there are ways to alleviate the dryness while your skin is adjusting to your new product. Which leads us to tips number 2 through 4!
2. Truly, the very best strategy we believe in at The Face Place, is to start off using products very slowly. Your skin needs time! Give it the time it truly needs to adapt to new products.
3. A product that we really love is the water-based hydrator, Hydrating Emulsion. By using this product as a layer morning and night, it can help prevent dehydration.
4. Finally, a great option for many people is to simply take a 1- to 3-day break from your routine. Just cleanse, tone, and moisturize. After giving your skin a little break, you can start your routine where you left off.
Be mindful that the path to clear skin is not easy for many people. It takes dedication, a strict routine, patience, and the right products! It also is best to have a licensed esthetician to help you get there. Book a consultation today, and we can start you on the process of getting to clear skin!
Why You Should Love Your Oily Skin
While most people fall into what we call “combo” skin, meaning dry AND oily, it is important to understand that each “type” of skin is indeed normal! We all have a unique level of natural oil production, as well as differing sizes and activity level of your pores. These differences make each person’s skin distinctive from our friends and family.
So…if you have oily (or mostly oily) skin, I guarantee that at some point you have complained about it. Oily skin can smudge makeup, create shine, clog pores, and create an overall “yucky” feeling. And while those all might be totally true, there is a HUGE positive to having some oil in your skin!
Natural oil actually protects you from the sun. The first line of defense from mother nature’s elements is called the “lipid barrier.” Lipid is a synonym for liquid fatty substance, and is what stops the environmental elements from sucking all of our moisture out of us. People with more oily skin experience fewer burns, rashes, wrinkles, and UV-induced skin damage. This extra protection means significantly healthier, more well-preserved skin in the later years.
If you are still unhappy with your oily skin, or struggle with breakouts due to oily skin, then it is important to find the perfect regimen for your unique skin – and believe me, there is definitely one out there for you! Try first with using an exfoliator for your type of skin, and while the ideal skin regimen varies from person to person, finding what works for you will help with overall shine control, balanced skin moisture, reduced clogged pores, and smoother, more radiant skin.
Let me help you find what works best! Maybe an exfoliator a few times a week, or every other day? Maybe a scrub and a serum, or just a serum and a salicylic toner? Play around with your regimen until you achieve the balance that makes you happy, and don’t be afraid of a little oily glow!
Bottom line: Don’t completely curse out your oily skin, just know that it’s protecting you, and will keep you looking younger in the long run! Proper exfoliation is the name of the game!
4 Major Acne Triggers
Common thought is that breakouts can be caused by greasy foods. However, sugar, simple carbs, and biotin are more likely to trigger acne. Some of these ingredients can actually irritate hair follicles and cause harsh, inflamed breakouts! Consequently, there are also food allergies that can cause acne. Gluten can be a common trigger, but everyone is different. If you can, try to cut certain things out for a few weeks and see if your skin reacts.
Beauty products for your skin and hair can trigger breakouts if they have ingredients that are not acne-safe. Even if a product is labeled “non-comedogenic,” “oil-free,” or promises to not clog pores, all can be problematic depending on your skin type.
The hormone cortisol signals the body to produce more oil. Stress is a major trigger of cortisol. While oil can be great for some skin types, for others it causes clogged pores and acne. Yes, sometimes it feels impossible to eliminate stress from daily life, but I love to encourage my clients to seek out ways to manage that stress! Get 8 hours of sleep! Try meditating! Go to yoga! Whatever it is that helps you de-stress, find it and do it. Your skin will thank you!
4.Hormonal Changes.
Pregnancy and menopause can bring about hormone changes for women, but these life events also come with testosterone. So men AND women: when your testosterone increases, so does oily skin. For women: the week before your menstrual cycle, try to avoid dairy products. For men: avoid as many dairy products as possible! Dairy products can interfere with healthy hormone levels and increase inflammation.
3 Tips to Help Clear Acne Now
Did you wake up in the morning with a brand new, huge zit? Do you feel like you’ve tried everything to clear your skin? Here are 3 easy at-home strategies you might not yet have tried, that are proven to help many people battle their acne problems!
Ice your blemishes. Ice is free in your freezer and super easy to administer on your own. If you have a few red or swollen blemishes, simply wrap an ice cube in a paper towel and hold on the blemish for about 2 minutes. Do this twice a day on clean skin. Or, if you’re having inflamed red blemishes over a particular area (cheeks, jawline, forehead), use the ice without the paper towel and gently rub over the area for about 3 minutes. This helps reduce inflammation and redness, and may speed up the healing process.
It is so important to change your pillowcases! Try to use a freshly cleaned pillowcase every other night. On the second night flip your pillow over to the clean side. Also, try to not use scented detergent, fabric softeners, or dryer sheets, as they can have harsh chemicals in them that may be affecting your skin on a nightly basis.
While I’m not a nutritionist, studies do show that avoiding biotin supplements can help improve acne. Adding Omega 3, Zinc, and probiotics can be helpful for clearing skin. Do your own research and consult your physician if you are unsure.
Remember that each person’s skin is unique, and what works for one person, might not work for another. But the key is to listen to your skin, and when you find what works (maybe these 3 tips!) stick to them!
Also, coming in for a treatment can really make the difference in not only getting clear skin, but KEEPING clear skin. The Face Reality Program has been helping clients with all stages of acne get clear and stay clear for over 20 years. Book your free consultation today, with or without your first treatment!
Preventing Skin Cancer
May is Skin Cancer Awareness Month. In an effort to keep you cancer-free and focused on healthy skin, here are some tips on how to prevent skin cancer:
1. Use sunscreen.
Anytime you are outside – even if it’s cloudy – apply sunscreen to all of your skin that will not be covered by clothing. Reapply frequently – about every 2 hours or so – or after swimming or sweating. It is important to make sure you are using a broad-spectrum, water-resistant sunscreen that protects the skin against both UVA and UVB rays and that has an SPF of at least 30. Some common areas that people forget about are the top of your feet, your neck, ears, lips, and the top of your head (the parting line, or receding hair lines and bald spots for men).
2. Find shade.
The sun is strongest between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. If your shadow is shorter than you are, seek shade.
3. Wear the proper clothing.
If you know you are going to be out in the sun – especially for an extended period of time – wear a long-sleeved shirt, pants, a wide-brimmed hat and sunglasses.
4. Be mindful of the elements.
Use extra caution near water, sand, or snow, as they reflect and intensify the damaging rays of the sun, which can increase your chances of sunburn.
5. Vitamin D.
You can still get Vitamin D without the sun! Eat a healthy diet that includes foods naturally rich in Vitamin D, or take Vitamin D supplements.
Although a natural tan might look beautiful to most, it is truly a sign that your skin has been injured. As this damage builds, you speed up the aging of your skin and increase your risk for all types of skin cancer.
If you want to look tan still:
• DO NOT use a tanning bed. UV light from tanning beds can cause wrinkling, age spots, and lead to skin cancer.
• DO consider using a self-tanning product or a spray tan, but continue to use sunscreen with it when outdoors.
• DO continue to check your skin for signs of cancer. Consistently checking your skin and knowing your moles are key to detecting skin cancer in its earliest, most treatable stages.
If you spot anything changing, growing, or bleeding, see your dermatologist immediately!
Before You Eat That Easter Chocolate
We know what you're thinking: "Oh great, another article telling me chocolate is bad for my skin."
Nope! :)
If you believe eating dark chocolate is really bad for your skin, it is time to change the way you think! Indulging in the sweet treat won't make you break out. In fact, there are beauty benefits to eating dark chocolate.
Stick with dark chocolate. The lower in sugar content, and the higher percentage of cacao (cocoa), the better!
Dark chocolate contains iron, calcium, and vitamins A, B1, C, D, and E that repair dry skin. The antioxidant flavonoids found in dark chocolate have been clinically shown to help with many things in the body, like providing UV protections for your skin!
While you shouldn't use this as an excuse to eat that entire Easter bunny chocolate egg, or to skip the sunscreen, you can at least eat a few small bites in moderation during this season of chocolate sweets, and not feel guilty about it!
New Year Resolution
Our New Year Resolution here at The Face Place is to be more present. To resist the urge to rush through life. Become more in the moment. Less stressed.
Did you know that stress has a direct affect on your skin? Have you ever noticed that you break out more when you are stressed? This is because stress causes your body to release stress hormones including cortisol, which may increase the skin's oil production. Oily skin is more prone to acne and other skin problems.
There is no way to avoid stress completely, but here are some tips to practice for 2018:
Make gratitude part of your daily routine - Gratitude is the very simple act of expressing thanks for the things you have in your life.
Work on breathing - focusing on your breathing helps you to be present so you can exist in the here and now.
Increase your awareness - Engage all of your senses to become more aware during routine activities.
Happy New Years to all!
We hope you have an incredible 2018: a year filled with happiness, joy, enjoying each moment, and feeling beautiful in your skin!
10 Tips for Beautiful Skin This Holiday Season
1. Drink a lot of water to keep skin hydrated
2. Cleanse your skin regularly
The Ultra Gentle Cleanser by Face Reality is one of my favorite cleansers.
3. Don’t scrub/exfoliate too hard or too often
4. Use sunscreen to protect from UV radiation
5. Workout regularly
It’s no secret that exercise increases your blood flow. But did you know that increased blood flow helps nourish skin cells all over your body to keep them vital? It does!
6. Sleep at least 6-7 hours
Not enough sleep can cause stress and exhaustion during the day. Which leads to aging skin and even acne! Get those zzz’s!
6. Sleep at least 6-7 hours
Not enough sleep can cause stress and exhaustion during the day. Which leads to aging skin and even acne! Get those zzz’s!
7. Reduce stress
How do you destress? Whether it’s yoga, meditation, walking, reading, napping...make sure you find time in your day to destress.
8. Smoking - Just. Don’t. Do. It. Your future skin will thank you!
9. Eat healthy.
Adding fiber-rich foods, avoiding sugar, and taking a good probiotic supplement will reduce inflammation and increase overall skin health.
10. Come in for a treatment!
Leave exfoliation and extraction to the professionals. A facial treatment will also make you feel refreshed, and even de-stressed!
New Year, New You, New Skin Regime
It's so much nicer to deal with skin that’s manageable and healthy as opposed to a disaster zone. Nobody enjoys feeling compelled to cover it up instead of treat it. If you’ve been meaning to get your act together and start treating your skin better, you’re definitely not alone. It’s so easy to start one and then let it go to the wayside. Not this time! You got this. Here are some tips to help get you started on the new you!
Figure Out What Your Skin Type Is
Before you buy your new skin products, the most important thing you need to know is what kind of skin you have! Do you have oily skin? Dry skin? Combination? Combination oily? Combination dry? You don't want to cop some cleanser meant for dry skin if your skin is super oily! Do your research and figure out what kind of skin you have before you blow your money on products that aren't meant for you.
Invest In A Good Makeup Remover
I get it. You just don't feel like taking your make up off tonight. Sleeping in your makeup is so easy, especially when you've had a long day and just want to chill in front of your computer, but your skin will thank you. So REPEAT AFTER ME: I WILL USE MAKEUP REMOVER EVERY NIGHT. :) Look, it doesn't matter what skin type you have, it doesn't matter if your face wash claims to remove makeup, it doesn't matter if you just have a little bit on. Please, use a makeup remover before starting your nighttime routine.
Be Easy On Your Skin
Yay, so you have all the products that your style blogger faves rec'd and that the salesperson swore by. Cool. Just make sure you don't go overboard with your routine. There is such a thing as washing your face too much (it can dry your skin out). Don't use intense exfoliants twice a day everyday under the impression that your skin will be as smooth as a baby's butt when you can actually irritate the skin that way. Be gentle and you'll love the results.
What Works For Everyone Else Might Not Work For You
So, your BFF, like you, has combination oily skin. So it makes sense that you two should use the same products, right? Eh, not so fast. It's worth a try but it's not a guarantee. Listen to your skin!
Don't Get Discouraged So Easily
It's so easy to start a new routine with great intentions and consistency...and then you end up getting frustrated or bored by the end of the second week. We've all been there. But you have to remember that your skin isn't going to magically transform overnight. It can take weeks for the results to really show!
Come in to see me for a consultation and treatment. We can talk more about your skin care regeme and discuss any concerns you may have. I can help formulate a treatment plan for your skin.
The Perfect Gift to Say “Thanks” - Good Skin Health
Give yourself the best present ever… Beautiful, healthy skin! Don't have time for intensive skin care? You can still pamper yourself by acing the basics. Help delay the natural aging process and prevent various skin problems by practicing good skin care and a healthy lifestyle.
1. Protect yourself from the sun
One of the most important ways to take care of your skin is to protect it from the sun. Prevent wrinkles, age spots and even skin cancer by protecting yourself from the sun. For the most complete sun protection: Use sunscreen. Use a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of at least 15. Apply sunscreen generously, and reapply every two hours — or more often if you're swimming or perspiring. Seek shade. Avoid the sun between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m., when the sun's rays are strongest. Wear protective clothing. Cover your skin with tightly woven long-sleeved shirts, long pants and wide-brimmed hats. Also consider laundry additives, which give clothing an additional layer of ultraviolet protection for a certain number of washings, or special sun-protective clothing — which is specifically designed to block ultraviolet rays.
2. Don't smoke
Smoking makes your skin look older and contributes to wrinkles. It narrows the tiny blood vessels in the outermost layers of skin, which decreases blood flow. This depletes the skin of oxygen and nutrients that are important to skin health. Smoking also damages collagen and elastin — the fibers that give your skin strength and elasticity. In addition, the repetitive facial expressions you make when smoking — such as pursing your lips when inhaling and squinting your eyes to keep out smoke — can contribute to wrinkles. If you smoke, the best way to protect your skin is to quit. Ask your doctor for tips or treatments to help you stop smoking.
3. Treat your skin gently
Daily cleansing and shaving can take a toll on your skin. To keep it gentle: Limit bath time. Hot water and long showers or baths remove oils from your skin. Limit your bath or shower time, and use warm — rather than hot — water. Avoid strong soaps. Strong soaps and detergents can strip oil from your skin. Instead, choose mild cleansers. Shave carefully. Apply shaving cream, lotion or gel before shaving to protect and lubricate your skin. For the closest shave, use a clean, sharp razor. Shave in the direction the hair grows, not against it. Pat dry. After washing or bathing, gently pat or blot your skin dry with a towel so that some moisture remains on your skin. Moisturize dry skin. If your skin is dry, use a moisturizer that fits your skin type. For daily use, consider a moisturizer that contains SPF.
4. Eat a healthy diet
A healthy diet can help you look and feel your best. Eat plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean proteins. The association between diet and acne isn't clear — but some research suggests that a diet rich in vitamin C and low in unhealthy fats and processed or refined carbohydrates might promote younger looking skin.
5. Manage stress
Uncontrolled stress can make your skin more sensitive and trigger acne breakouts and other skin problems. To encourage healthy skin — and a healthy state of mind — take steps to manage your stress. Set reasonable limits, scale back your to-do list and make time to do the things you enjoy. The results might be more dramatic than you expect.
Come in to see me for a consultation and treatment. We can talk more about your specific skin condition and concerns, and formulate a treatment plan for your skin.
Halloween Candy and Acne - The Scary Connection
This spooky fact could change the way you see Halloween candy forever. Too much sugar consumption could sabotage your mission for flawless skin. Too many sugar-y snacks and drinks can trigger breakouts and aggravate acne. Excess consumption can cause your body to rev up your insulin, which causes the skin to be inflamed. The inflamed skin then causes elevated levels of oils which clog pores. Even after Halloween, sugars can be found in simple carbohydrates like white bread and soda. So just remember, instead of consuming all your candy in a couple days, consume it in moderation. And when you’re really craving something sweet, try to satisfy your cravings the natural way. A healthy system thrives on fruit!
Come in to see me for a consultation and treatment. We can talk more about your specific skin condition and concerns, and formulate a treatment plan for your skin.
Back-to-School: Undo that Summer Sun Damage
It's been a hot Summer! BBQ's, pools, and camping. Hopefully, you've been keeping up with applying sunscreen. I know it's hard to remember to use it every time you're outside, and unfortunately when that happens, sun damage may occur. But there is some good news! It’s never too late to try and reverse sun damage.
Whether you’ve forgotten to put sunscreen on one day on vacation or at the park with your family for a couple of hours, sun damage can easily occur. Sun damage not only affects your skin, but it also alters the actual DNA of your skin cells, causing lines, wrinkles, discoloration, and is a contributing factor in skin cancer. Every minute you are out in the sun your body registers it. However, it’s important to remember that once you start protecting yourself from the sun, you will stop the process of sun damage and begin to improve your skin health.
The Face Place Colorado can help you get into a great skin care routine that will restore your skin and keep your glowing, healthy complexion.
Your personalized plan will get your started with cleansing and toning products that will gently begin the restoration process.
Your skins may have experienced an uneven production of melanin (brown pigment your skin churns produces to fight UV radiation)--leaving you with uneven tones. Our Face Reality Mandelic Scrub and Glycolic-Lactic Exfoliating Toner can both help begin the restoration process.
To maintain your improvement, use sunscreen every day to prevent additional sun damage. Broad spectrums are always great because they protect against both UVA and UVB rays. Also, sunscreens with SPF values of 15 or higher are best. Our Face Reality products provide exceptional protection while being kind to your skin. Apply a sunscreen like our Daily SPF 30 Sunscreen 30 minutes before you leave for your classes. Need more moisture? Our Moisturizing SPF 30 will fit the bill. Or if you're out for a fun day at the park, go with Broad Spectrum Sunblock SPF 30 which uses ZinClear to provide great skin protection without any white residue! (Don't forget to reapply every 20 minutes!)
The Face Place wishes you a wonderful, healthy, fun-filled school year with beautiful skin! Contact Dorothy directly if you have questions or concerns.
5 Tips to Combat Summer Acne Flares
Beautiful sunny days of summer should be filled with fun activities and special memories. However, the heat and sun exposure can put sweat glands into overdrive and often create unexpected acne flair-ups. Here are 5 Tips to remember to minimize breakouts.
1. Use a non-clogging sunscreen.
Sunburn will age your skin and while your skin might appear to improve -- the impact is delayed. Often you find yourself struggling with a worse breakout a few days later! Keep your skin protected. Acne scars are sensitive to the sun and that's another reason to be sure to use a high quality sunscreen.
2. Keep it clean.
Twice a day cleansing will help combat all the extra oil buildup. Skin care wipes can be a quick refresh while your out and around.
3. Moisturizer. Moisturizer. Moisturizer.
The air conditioning, extra cleansing, chlorine from swimming, will all work to dry out your skin. Drinking extra water helps, but take the time to use a light moisturizer--your skin will thank you!
4. Enjoy the fruits of the season!
Summer is a great time to enjoy fresh fruits and vegetables. Whether from a farmer's market or you own garden or the local market, build a habit of good nutrition to support your skin from the inside out.
5. Don't forget your sporting equipment!
Take a few minutes to make sure your helmet straps, and even your swim goggles are clean. Running over these with a wipe or alcohol will keep that bacteria away from your skin.
The Face Place wishes you a wonderful, healthy, fun-filled summer with beautiful skin!
Contact Dorothy directly if you have questions or concerns.
3 Quick Tips to Combat Skin Damage in Colorado
The climate in Colorado places more demands on keeping up with your skincare. With dry air and over 300 days of sunshine, it’s hard to keep your skin soft and moisturized. It’s important to stay on top of taking care of your skin in Denver. Without proper care, sun damage occurs which causes freckles to even cancer.
1. Moisturizer and Sun Screen are your best friends.
Colorado has cold, thin, dry air and high doses of ultraviolet light, all of which take a significant toll on your skin. This is categorized as a high-altitude environment. Stay well hydrated and use a high-quality moisturizer.
Most of us grew up basically living in the sun and only slathering our skin with baby oil or tanning lotion, then baking in the sun for hours on end. Today, we understand the importance of using sunscreen and how it is necessary to reapply it frequently. Always regularly apply sunblock that contains zinc and titanium dioxide. Sunscreen must be applied every two or three hours. Most specialists recommend a SPF rating of at least 15 and a four-star rating for a UVA product. In addition to selecting the right sunscreen product, it’s important to see a board-certified dermatologist every year to check your skin for skin cancer or pre-cancerous lesions. These are basic, but lifelong, steps for healthy looking skin in the Mile High City.
2. Prevention before rejuvenating!
Yes, rejuvenating products and procedures are available to assist with skin repair after skim damage has already occurred. But experts stress that prevention is extremely critical. Don’t wait until it’s too late to protect your skin from damage, maintain your healthy skin!
3. Create a regular skin care regimen and stick to it!
All our experts advocate a regular skin care program. There are four main steps in a skin care regimen, which include cleansing, moisturizing, exfoliating and protecting from ultraviolet rays. Consider where you purchase your products, and if you are not making progress in your skin care, you need to have a skin care consultation. Sun and climate contribute to skin damage. You can also damage your skin in a cold climate, where many homes are heated with forced air. Having a skin care program that is constantly exfoliating your skin is good. Just like with a house or car, your skin care needs continuous maintenance and up keep. Usually, a quality plan can be tailored to fit almost any budget. The key is to make sure you get advice from a skilled professional who can identify and treat a wide range of skin issues. In the end, it can save you time, money and further skin damage.
There is no one-size-fits-all approach to your treatment path. It is up to YOU, with guidance from a knowledgeable professional, to customize a path that fits your skin care at each stage of your life. It is never too late or too early to start taking good care of your skin, and that first step is getting a quality consultation.
Five Foods that are Good for your Skin
Did you know certain foods have amazing ingredients that keep your skin supple, smooth, and help fight age related damage? Now that’s one reason to go to the supermarket today. These five inexpensive foods can help your skin repair and rejuvenate itself:
Strawberries haves tons of vitamin C in them, more than oranges! Vitamin C is key for firmer skin as it helps with collagen production. Strawberries also have an added benefit in that it contains antioxidants that can help slow memory loss as you get older. Who knew?!
2. Almonds
Almonds act as an antioxidant that helps clear away toxins and protect skin cells from UV rays and other environmental factors because they contain vitamin E. You can also revitalize your skin even more by using almond oil!
3. Carrots
Besides being associated with better eyesight, Carrots are also packed with beta carotene, an antioxidant that becomes vitamin A inside your body and helps protect against UV rays. A lack of the vitamin A in your body can result in dry skin. It’s also important to note that cooked carrots deliver more beta carotene than raw ones.
4. Olive Oil
Besides the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of olive oil don’t just benefit you on the inside—they soften your skin, too. When used topically, olive oil results in smoother, more radiant skin. Consuming olive oil even provides antioxidants to disarm free radicals and reduce inflammation. Apply olive oil into your daily diet to benefit. Also try applying as a lip gloss and skin soother, as needed. If your skin is dry, you’ll really benefit from topical application.
5. Kiwis
Let’s face it, kiwi is delicious! Not only does kiwi taste good, but it's also packed with antioxidant vitamins C and E! These vitamins help protect against UV damage. It’s even been studied that kiwi helps make your skin glow. Vitamin C has also long been linked with less skin dryness and wrinkling.
Pillow Hazards: Acne Re-infection
It all begins with an idea.
Thoughts of your pillow may engender a sweet sigh as you think of hitting that snooze button just one more time... but did you ever think that your pillowcase might be contributing to your acne?! Well, it could be.
Your pillowcase may be harboring bacteria, oil or dirt which may contribute to your breakouts. Think about it. When was the last time you changed your pillowcase?
There is a simple remedy to this problem. Try changing those pillowcases more often--if you flip your pillow every night you can get two nights from each pillowcase!
Washing your pillowcases in hot water and/or ironing will help ensure that your face has a clean, bacteria-free surface to rest each night. Gentle detergent is also recommended to avoid any reaction or irritation of your sensitive skin.
On the horizon, there are reports that some of the newer anti-microbial fabrics will provide a bacteria-free solution to this problem. Some of the latest studies even suggest that silver ionic pillowcases might be helpful in healing acne breakouts. Such a "heal while you sleep" mechanism would certainly be a step forward!
A clean pillowcase each night will help you sleep soundly knowing that your acne treatment is being given the best environment possible to succeed!
Happy New Year!
It all begins with an idea.
With all of the holiday hoopla over, it is time to jump back in to your daily routine and take time to improve the appearance of your skin. Do you have any of these skin concerns: fine lines/wrinkles, hyperpigmentation, rough/uneven skin texture, or acne? People often tell me they are confused by everything they read, and all of the various over the counter products there are to choose from, and they just don’t know where to begin.
Here are my recommendations:
Every day and every night – Use professional products! Cleanse, Use a Treatment Product, Moisturize/Protect
Every 4 weeks – Get a professional peel or microdermabrasion treatment.
If you simply do these things, you will see rapid and dramatic improvements in your skin.
The Face Place is now offering a Monthly Skin Care Program that will keep your skin healthy, and provide great savings. For $55 per month, you will receive your choice of:
Microdermabrasion Facial
Dermaplane Facial
Chemical Peel (TCA, Mandelic, Lactic)
Hydrating Facial
iS Clinical Fire & Ice or FiSZZ Facial
You will also receive discounts on products each month.
Call or make an appointment online to sign up. 303-915-1673 or
The Face Place Is Moving
It all begins with an idea.
Dear Face Place Clients,
The Face Place Skincare & Acne Clinic is moving! Please come see me at my new address starting November 4, 2014:
5655 S. Delaware St.
Littleton, CO 80120
My new studio is located just West of the intersection at Broadway and Littleton Blvd. (approximately 3 miles North West of my current location)
My website, e-mail address and phone number will not change. You may also still book appointments or purchase products online through my website.
Looking forward to seeing you soon,