10 Tips for Beautiful Skin This Holiday Season


1. Drink a lot of water to keep skin hydrated

2. Cleanse your skin regularly

The Ultra Gentle Cleanser by Face Reality is one of my favorite cleansers.

3. Don’t scrub/exfoliate too hard or too often

4. Use sunscreen to protect from UV radiation

5. Workout regularly

It’s no secret that exercise increases your blood flow. But did you know that increased blood flow helps nourish skin cells all over your body to keep them vital? It does!

6. Sleep at least 6-7 hours

Not enough sleep can cause stress and exhaustion during the day. Which leads to aging skin and even acne! Get those zzz’s!

6. Sleep at least 6-7 hours

Not enough sleep can cause stress and exhaustion during the day. Which leads to aging skin and even acne! Get those zzz’s!

7. Reduce stress

How do you destress? Whether it’s yoga, meditation, walking, reading, napping...make sure you find time in your day to destress.

8. Smoking - Just. Don’t. Do. It. Your future skin will thank you!

9. Eat healthy.

Adding fiber-rich foods, avoiding sugar, and taking a good probiotic supplement will reduce inflammation and increase overall skin health.

10. Come in for a treatment!

Leave exfoliation and extraction to the professionals. A facial treatment will also make you feel refreshed, and even de-stressed!


New Year Resolution


New Year, New You, New Skin Regime